so far... my ob-gyn is ok... :) usually i dont have to wait too long to meet up with him.. package for normal delivery is around rm2200 (single bed, 2 day 1n) tapi siap2 lah.. kalau kena forcep or vacuum... tambah lagi dlm rm300. SO untuk normal delivery siap2 dlm 3 K... kalau caesar.. dlm 7-8K.. amboi mahalnyer...
but if i have to caesar.. rasanyer takkan ke demc lah.. mmg lari ke PPUM... :) too much.. duit tu boleh buat mende lain..
so everything will be depending on condition.. but i pray to Allah that he will grant me a normal delivery.. dipermudah urusan untuk melahirkan nnt amin....
speaking of praying for easy labour... i am not touching sugar for almost 17 days now.. *sigh*

makan pau pun yg wholemeal.. huhuhu sedih kan?.... tapi takpe lh baby punya pasal.... :)
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