yay its here!!! alhamdulillah.. berjaya jugak dapatkan mende ni dari UK..
:) I was going to buy Medela.. but test dulu tommee tippee ni mcm mana..
the reviews are not that encouraging.. but i have heard there's still a few are very satisfied with the machine.. so Heck! why not...
I had a bargain for the total set... :)
the 6 bottles.. are priced at rm10.90 each..
kat sini.. the usual price is.. rm30.90... kalau kat mothercare mahal sikit kot..
ok berbaloi2... :)
going into my 30th week... masuk 32 weeks baru siapkan lah beg baby..
no rush.. baju sume dah ada..
i need mittens and booties and headgears for baby..
and swaddling cloth..
anyway.. baby..
my love.. you have been moving soo much lately..
kuat pulak tuh..